Your better off setting an application scope flag of some sort. Then have a filter check the flag before letting the request through for processing. If the flag is set, redirect to an unavailable page.


paybackorfail wrote:
Hi, thanks for replying, my application will take some data from a website
and insert this data into a database and i schedule the application to do
this every hour using contextlistener and timertask as a java servlet. At
the moment it starts updating the database as soon as i upload the
application to the server, I need a way to shutdown the server so it will
stop updating the database

Alan Chaney wrote:
I think you need to rethink your use cases here...

Exactly WHY do you need to start and stop tomcat from a button on a web page?
Or do you really need to enable/disable some kind of function?

Generally speaking servers don't expect to be started or stopped by their clients - well, ok, sometimes you can stop a service by a client but almost by definition you can't start a service from a client...

Typically tomcat provides a way of processing requests received from remote web clients and arranges for the requests to be processed by a web application. Your application may have state which can be controlled by the request. This shouldn't normally affect tomcat's normal operation.


Alan Chaney

paybackorfail wrote:
That's a good point, what if it was just an html page?

Mark Thomas-18 wrote:
paybackorfail wrote:
Hi, I have written a web application in netbeans using java and jsp,
i am
hosting it on a server using tomcat, i need help on finding a way to
and stop the server by the user clicking a button on a jsp page, do i
to use the org.apache.catalina.ant.StartTask of the tomcat api? can
If Tomcat is stopped, how is it going to handle a user clicking on a
button on a JSP page to start it?


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