you are right there is a mod-jk.conf. So given my
file what should I change so that mod_jk detects that app server is
down before attempting to send the request. Shouldn't "retries" in try to connect to some other app server instead.

Here is mod-jk.conf

# Where to find
JkWorkersFile conf/

# Where to put jk logs
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

# Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
JkLogLevel error

# Allow mod_jk worker status reports, with the URL of http://servername/JkStatus
## This is very helpful for monitoring purposes, but should be
## allowed from the local machine.
<Location /JkStatus>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost

#JkMount /JkStatus status

# Below line forward all requests to application server
#JkMount /* local

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Rainer Jung <> wrote:
> On 25.02.2009 02:47, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
>> In httpd conf I just see JkMount and no other directive. I searched for
>> Jk.
> There should be others as well, for instance JkWorkersFile to point to your
> The names of the directives are case insensitive, they
> can also be in files included to your main httpd configuration file via
> include directives.
>> Here is file:
> ...
>> # appfe1
> ...
>> worker.appfe1.socket_timeout=5
> I generally don't like socket_timeout. Others do :)
>> worker.appfe1.prepost_timeout=5
> 5 milliseconds prepost timeout? You're kidding. I assume it should have been
> 5000.
>> worker.appfe1.recycle_timeout=900
> This is deprecated. Use connection_pool_timeout instead. The value is OK,
> you should set connectionTimeout on the Tomcat AJP connector to 900000 then.
> Since you are using prefork MPM, you might want to set
> connection_pool_minsize to 0 if you want to keep the number of established
> connections low.
> And the same for the other members of the load balancer.
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Rainer Jung<>
>>  wrote:
>>> On 25.02.2009 00:00, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
>>>> Reposting:
>>>> Apache Server - 2.2
>>>> Tomcat server 6
>>>> Jboss - 4.2
>>>> We have Web Servers talking to Jboss App Servers over mod_jk. When we
>>>> do our patch or upgrade of software we do it in rolling fashion so
>>>> that there is "0" customer impact. But it looks like mod_jk load
>>>> balancer on Web server doesn't detect it as soon as Jboss App Server
>>>> goes down. Our goal is to have 0 customer impact. So my question is
>>>> what can we do to overcome this problem. Web Server sees Http Error
>>>> Code 503.
>>>> Information from log file:
>>>> [Mon Feb 23 13:39:42.146 2009] [31682:4143745888] [error]
>>>> ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (966): (appfe4) can't
>>>> receive the response message from tomcat, network problems or tomcat
>>>> ( is down (errno=104)
>>>> [Mon Feb 23 13:39:42.147 2009] [31682:4143745888] [error]
>>>> ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2097): (appfe4) Connecting to tomcat
>>>> failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong
>>>> port
>>> This means that mod_jk detected that your backend is down and thus puts
>>> it
>>> into an error state. All following requests will no longer be sent to
>>> this
>>> backend. Once a minute it will send a request there and try, but as long
>>> as
>>> it is down this test will not succeed and thus all requests will be sent
>>> to
>>> other nodes.
>>> The first request that gets sent to the backend you stopped might get an
>>> error back. If you want to prevent that from happening, use Cping/Cpong:
>>> so we will detect the broken node before actually sending a request
>>> there.
>>> More details are not possible to give without your JK configuration (Jk
>>> directive sin httpd configuration files, and if used
>>> The line number of the above message tells me you are using mod_jk
>>> 1.2.25.
>>> Although there's nothing wrong in principal with 1.2.25, we always try to
>>> improve and you might consider switching to 1.2.27.
>>> You should also increase your JkLogLevel to info. As long as only
>>> occasional
>>> info messages are in your log file everything is fine, but once error
>>> messages show up, the additional info messages contain useful formation.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rainer
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