NEW DISCOVERY - using a wildcard package import results in a much longer 
response delay!

I've taken Mark's suggestion that I import individual classes rather than importing all with a wildcard to see if a particular class is slowing down classloading. It turns out that it's the WILDCARD itself that is causing most of the delay!

If I request the following "wildcard import" JSP:

<%@ page import="java.util.Date" %>
<%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.*" %>
java.util.Date endDate = new java.util.Date();

it responds in 49 seconds, consistently, over several different tries (renaming the file each time to incur the delay). That includes on-the-fly compilation.

If I request a JSP that imports EVERY class in net.ims.jcms explicitly (it's a 
lot of lines, so truncated below):

<%@ page import="java.util.Date" %>
<%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.AccessRole" %> <%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.AccessRoleException" %> <%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.AccessUser" %> <%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.AccessUserException" %>
... a bunch more here ...
<%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.UtilityLink" %>
<%@ page import="net.ims.jcms.ValidationException" %>
java.util.Date endDate = new java.util.Date();

it responds in 3 seconds, consistently (with renaming), which isn't as fast as it should be, but it's way faster than 49 seconds.

I have no idea why a wildcard package import differs from importing explicit classes (from the same JAR), so I don't know what this is telling us, but it sure seems to be significant! I have not been able to get lsof to display any files related to these requests, I expect they open and close too quickly for me to catch it.

I have run strace during a request of a wildcard import JSP (test7.jsp) on a standalone Tomcat instance so that I don't have lines from other requests. The request is made at 15:24:09, and the response came at 15:24:58. I've included the strace lines from that time range here:

You can see the read call on the HTTP GET request on the sixth line. The HTTP 200 response is in a write call near the bottom. Presumably everything that happened during the 49 seconds is recorded here. You can see that the .java file has been opened within a second,

2498 15:24:09 open("/usr/local/tomcat-2/work/Catalina/", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_LARGEFILE, 0666) = 62 <0.000065>

and the compiled class is opened at 15:24:58,

2498 15:24:58 open("/usr/local/tomcat-2/work/Catalina/", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_LARGEFILE, 0666) = 62 <0.000064>

I have no idea how to interpret all the wheel-spinning that goes on in between.

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