Charl Gerber wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Does Tomcat provide default support in some way to implement a 'remember me' 
> feature for form based authentication? This should not be dependent on a 
> user's browser remembering the username/password, but by a checkbox you can 
> check/clear on the logon jsp.

No. Tomcat implements the Servlet Spec, which does not currently include
this functionality.

> If so, where do I find it? If not, how can I implement it? My guess is that I 
> store the user credentials in a cookie, but how do I get every jsp/servlet in 
> my application that requires authentication to automatically retrieve this 
> and skip authentication? Sounds like a lot of overhead, unless Tomcat can 
> take care of it.
> Plan B, less desired, could be for the cookie to be read only in the logon 
> (via javascript) jsp and automatically fill the credentials. So the user only 
> have to type 'Submit' to logon. Not auto logon, but at least saves some 
> typing. Pretty much the same as the browser would have done it, except your 
> app now has control.

Plan C: investigate the "SecurityFilter" project, which provides extra
functionality including, I think, "remember me".


> Thanks!
> Charl
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