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On 3/4/2009 4:52 PM, Alexey Vlasov wrote:
> After daemon starting parenting process creayes too many threads.

What is your definition of "too many"? More than one?

> I
> would like to know if they are useful and if not how to lessen their
> number.

I'm sure they are all useful. You should do a thread dump (send a SIG 3
to your process and watch stdout) on your app and see which of these
threads show up in the listing. Here's what I have in my TC 5.5.26
instance after a restart. I'm running Sun's JRE 1.5.0_13 on Linux 2.6

JVM-created threads (you can't eliminate these):

"main" - runs the main program
"Reference Handler"   - GC thread
"Finalizer"           - GC thread
"Low Memory Detector" - GC thread
"CompilerThread0"     - JIT thread
"Signal Dispatcher"   - Handles signals

Tomcat-created threads:
"TP-Monitor"      - monitors the request handler thread pool
"TP-Processor[n]" - these are the request handlers.
                    You have configured your TC instance to have between
                    2 and 10 of them. I wouldn't be surprised to find
                    that you have 5 TP-Processor threads. I have 12.

I also have this one courtesy of my MySQL driver:
"MySQL Statement Cancellation Timer" - I'm guessing this cancels statements

> $ pstree -p -a tomcat
> java,10869 -server -Xms128M 
> -Xmx256M-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.Cl

[snipped list of 27 threads]

My thread dump contained 5 JVM threads + 14 Tomcat threads + 1 MySQL
thread = 20 threads. You have 27, and you didn't tell us a thing about
what your application does.

> <Connector address="" port="50002" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
> connectionTimeout="20000" maxThreads="10" minSpareThreads="2" 
> maxSpareThreads="5" />

This is the only information you gave us that could help determine what
those threads are. If you take a thread dump and re-post, we might be
able to help.

- -chris
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