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On 3/13/2009 10:38 AM, André Warnier wrote:
> Unless I am mistaken, I don't think that using HTTPS in order to protect
> the user-id/password from eavesdropping by some miscreant, you
> necessarily have to have a Verisign certificate for each site.

Correct. You need to use an SSL cert, but it doesn't need to be signed
by a widely-trusted certificate authority.

> Again unless I am mistaken, a CA-signed certificate is meant to be used
> to reassure the client that he is really talking to the server you say
> you are, and not some other impersonating phishing site.

Again, correct.

> But it is not a prerequisite for simply making a connection through HTTPS.

Right, but it /is/ a prerequisite for most users not getting a scary
"UNTRUSTED SECURITY CERTIFICATE" warning. It's too bad that, with the
introduction of EV certs, the big CAs aren't just giving-away the old
certs. Or, offering a super-low-cost certificate that says "this is
really only good for channel encryption, we didn't do any checking into
the legitimacy of this organization".

- -chris
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