
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Just to be clear, it's the session creation that is sensitive to SSL,
> not the actual login (authentication step). If your session exists and
> is visible to non-secure communications before authentication, then it
> will also be so after authentication.

Well, I believe this scenario is quite unlikely, since the login-form
(running as https) usually is the first page to be displayed.

Let me twist your words a bit ;)

If the session is created *after* the login-form, that means it's
created while using HTTP, there shouldn't be any problems left except
for the Session-Cookies which might be hijacked, right?

So would following scenario work?

- login using form-based login via https

- when successful:
   HttpSession session = request.getSession();
   // guess that shoudln't happen
   if (session != null) {
   session = request.getSession (true);

Looks ok to me - you comments?


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