Gregor Schneider wrote:

If I understand André correctly, he wants to find out the encoding
dirung the communication between servlet & java-demon - I doubt that
this goes as HTTP over the wire.
True. It's not HTTP.
In fact it is .. well .. nothing, apart from TCP. The servlet just opens a socket to the external daemon, and writes to it with a PrintWriter.

Which kind of begs the question : how does Wireshark figure out if the contents of a packet are HTTP or not ? It must be either "heuristic" by sniffing the content, or else just by the port in use ? But that's kind of risky, no ? I think I'll have to refresh my TCP knowledge base, to see if there is any byte somewhere in a TCP header specifying the internet protocol. But I don't think so.


Maybe you could give a more detailled description of your problem, so
that we might come up with some more helpful ideas?

Well, I realise now that my description, and wishes, were kind of stupid, particularly the bit about displaying in some specific encoding.
I wrote that late at night though ;-)
Of course I can do that by changing my locale and my terminal emulation I guess.
Can one delete one's post from the Tomcat list archives, or is it preserved for posterity ? Please ?

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