MSerraInsiel wrote:
> Hi all, We have a java web application (deployed on Tomcat 5.5 with java 1.4)
> that has never had CPU problems. Some 
> days ago we deployed a new version, that had non significant differences,
> and since this deploy we got frequent CPU 
> 100% usage. users could not work and we needed to rollback to previuos
> version.
> The unique "structural" difference is the upgrade of the following
> libraries, used to generate jasperReports:
> - commons-beanutils-1.5 --> 1.7
> - groovy-all-1.0-beta-10 --> groovy-all-1.0

Latest stable Groovy is 1.6.
I found 1.0 doing all sorts of things I'd rather it didn't, later
versions are considerably improved.


> - jasperreports-1.2.0 --> 1.3.3
> - jdt-compiler --> 3.1.1
> - added jasperreports-extensions-1.3.1
> with the -Xrs option we could not get info about the hanging thread, so
> yesterday we deployed the new version, with 
> old libraries and without -Xrs option. Now we get no CPU usage problem.
> Can you help us understand what the real problem could be?
> Thanks in advance

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