Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Michael []
Subject: Re: HTTP Connector GZIP compression
 >> Checked, the server.xml remains the same. I did not alter
It except the invalid attribute. The same happens for CSS too.

Did you restart Tomcat after making the change?  Are you sure you're actually 
using the server.xml you think you are?

Yes, I am absolutely sure.

The simple reason is that I have disabled compression completely and the uncompressed size is 72 726 bytes.

No, that's the size of the .jsp file - that has little relevance to the size of 
the generated HTML.

Right, but my jsp contains lorem ipsum only, so plain text only. But this makes absolutely sense since JSP is dynamic and the final size is not known before is it is send to the user.

I created a minimal server.xml ans started tomcat with the Tomcat service under Windows.

This is the new server.xml:
Additionally, I have created several files which should or should not be compressed, threshold 40 KiB, which should *always* work with all non dynamic content.

This is the output of Firefox with Fiddler: (plain text).

To be perfectly honest, only JSP compression seems to be predictable, the rest aboslutely not. What's wrong here.

Thanks again,


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