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On 4/7/2009 4:29 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> I would have to disagree again.

Sorry, I should have done the code in a haiku.

> The Tomcat you describe above is totally deterministic : it is alive
> (since it can receive your request), but as soon as you interact with
> it, it dies.

Hmm... you're right. I was thinking that the System.exit() would kill
the process and therefore the connection, but by the time the JVM dies,
the connection has already been made, proving the liveness of the
instance (nb: Mozilla Thunderbird does not consider 'liveness' to be a
correctly-spelled English word).

> Can [the listening port] be for example half-open ?

Perhaps. How about this:

ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(8080);
// No subsequent socket.accept() call

> And is a half-open port 8080 equivalent to a fully-open port 4040, or
> does it just have only half the bandwidth ?

Half the bandwidth, I think. "Half" would refer to its openness, not to
its port number, but maybe only half of the data gets through per unit
time. How many gigabits does the average cat hold? (nb: tb does not
consider 'gigabits' to be a correctly-spelled word, though 'gigabytes'

- -chris
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