Is this:
the extent of the setup docs?

I'm reaching it by editing the hosts file on my windoze machine to resolve
all requests back to an internal ip which is the machine in

Tomcat is running as root or at least thats what "ps auxf" indicates.

I rolled back to the original server.xml, restarted Tomcat and I'm still
getting a "Failed to Establish Connection Error" in my browser for  But is working.

Furthermore, I can tell you that "netstat -a" indicated no listener for port
8080 and that that Catalina logs look ok.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Peter Crowther <
> wrote:

> > From: Jonathan Mast []
> > I'm trying to get Tomcat 6 running on a RedHat box.
> >
> > I don't want to build deamon with jsvc as the docs say I
> > should do, at least
> > not yet.  Is this the extent of the official documentation
> > for setting up Tomcat on Linux?
> You don't say what "this" is, so we can't help you.
> > I installed JDK 6 and Tomcat 6, defined JAVA_HOME and
> > TOMCAT_HOME and setup
> > have a Host and Context in server.xml for  I invoke
> > start and get a process running, but I can't reach mysite.
> *Exactly* how are you trying to reach it?  From what computer, and what are
> you trying as the address?  If it's, have you changed your
> hosts file or DNS so that it points to your computer rather than off into
> the Internet?
> What happens if you browse to http://localhost:8080?
> > I should say that apache httpd 2.0 is already running on this
> > machine and my
> > is reachable there, so I figured
> > would
> > take me to tomcat.  Is that a correct assumption? IE. Should
> > I be able to by httpd by tacking :8080 onto the url?
> If you still have a default server.xml, this should work.  However, you've
> changed your server.xml.  You haven't bothered to post your new one, so we
> can't tell whether this would work or not.
> > If I kill apache httpd (I have no intention of using it going
> > forward), will
> > updating server.xml with port 80 rather than port 8080
> > automagically get
> > everything to work, or is there other stuff I need to do
> > before Tomcat will
> > run as a standalone webserver?
> With the default server.xml, simply changing 8080 to 80 (and ensuring the
> process at least starts as root, which is why jsvc is so important) will be
> all you need to do.  With your server.xml?  Nobody on the list will have any
> idea.
> Give us some more information, please - we're not psychic!
>                - Peter
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