Hi All,

I have a query about running a hypersonic database 
(http://hsqldb.org/web/hsqlDocsFrame.html) with tomcat.

understand that in JBoss one can define a dataSource that kicks off a
hypersonic database in server mode (server mode enables tcp connections
outside the JVM), the instructions are here 

My question is, can you do the same thing in tomcat, i.e. kick off a hypersonic 
database in server mode from tomcat.

I am running tomcat as part of a maven (http://maven.apache.org/)
based integration test, and it is not possible to kick off the
hypersonic database during the pre integration test phase as the maven
exec plugin waits until the executed hsqldb.jar has exited, thus
pausing the test indefinately.

The reason why I need to run
hypersonic in server mode is that I am testing a grails application
running in tomcat, and I need to interact with the application's
database from the test code, which is executed in a seperate process
i.e. the database must be accessible over the network.

I am currently using mysql but would like to take advantage of hypersonic's 




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