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On 4/9/2009 4:10 AM, Graham Towse wrote:
> I
> understand that in JBoss one can define a dataSource that kicks off a
> hypersonic database in server mode (server mode enables tcp connections
> outside the JVM), the instructions are here 
> http://webdev.apl.jhu.edu/~jcs/ejava-javaee/course-docs/exercises/ex0.html#Part_E
> My question is, can you do the same thing in tomcat, i.e. kick off a 
> hypersonic database in server mode from tomcat.

Do you mean that you need to use it in a way other than in-process mode?

If you just need in-process, then all you need to do is configure a
DataSource using the standard setup
and hsqldb should start.

The documentation above for JBoss seems to indicate that JBoss knows how
to do dependency-checking for the server mode hsqldb. Tomcat doesn't do
anything like that.

If you want hsqldb to run in server mode in Tomcat, I think you'll want
to create a webapp that mimics the behavior of org.hsqldb.Server. Just
remember to put /all/ the hsqldb JAR files (including the JDBC driver
JAR) into Tomcat's common/lib or I don't think things will work.

- -chris
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