> From: feedly team [mailto:feedly...@gmail.com]
> Subject: Re: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)
> I have generated stack dumps throughout the day and 
> practically all running threads are doing socket i/o.
> almost none are performing application logic.

When you catch threads doing socket I/O, they are almost always waiting for 
input from the client.  If you're using keep-alives (highly likely), that's the 
normal state of a thread.  This likely means you don't have enough requests 
coming in to keep the threads you already have busy; adding more threads won't 
change that.

Using the NIO connector will avoid having the threads sitting around waiting 
for socket input, but it won't make your CPU busier if you have nothing to do.

Why do you think having a lot of threads is a Bad Thing?  Are you running out 
of process memory space?

 - Chuck

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