Hi Charles,

I have multiple domains hosted, and I name each as
Aliases in the Host in server.xml.

If you only have one <Host> element, aliases are unnecessary. You only need <Alias> elements when multiple <Host>s are configured and you want Tomcat to route more than one domain to them.

Exactly. We started with Tomcat 3. We have multiple Hosts - localhost with internal webapps for monitoring our main webapps and performing internal services. We keep a large cache and have a number of jars in shared/lib.

We are currently re-architecting so that we can go to Tomcat 6 where the games that we have been playing are out of bounds.

We'll have one stack and control access with a Filter and/or Valve. This way we have everything in one webapps and it will be a single Context that we can put everything into a war - deploy to the Cloud.

I would hope that configuring such unneeded <Alias> elements doesn't add processing time doing any comparisons, but I haven't looked at the code to verify that.

We can make apache do this work for us in front. I've been lurking on this list for some time. In a few weeks we will build our first version of this and I am confident that should we encounter trouble I can get advice from the good people like you here on the Tomcat users list.

Best Regards,

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