On 12.05.2009 01:13, Andre-John Mas wrote:
> I have added the details to the end of this e-mail.

> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x06546578, pid=7456, tid=2349013936

> Current thread (0x08060800):  GCTaskThread [stack:
> 0x8bfb1000,0x8c032000] [id=7459]

> Other Threads:
>   0x8bd97800 VMThread [stack: 0x8baba000,0x8bb3b000] [id=7462]
>   0x8bdb3800 WatcherThread [stack: 0x8b5f3000,0x8b674000] [id=7469]
> =>0x08060800 (exited) GCTaskThread [stack: 0x8bfb1000,0x8c032000] [id=7459]

> Heap
>  PSYoungGen      total 186112K, used 176507K [0xa7ad0000, 0xb42d0000,
> 0xb42d0000)
>   eden space 167424K, 100% used [0xa7ad0000,0xb1e50000,0xb1e50000)
>   from space 18688K, 48% used [0xb1e50000,0xb272ec48,0xb3090000)
>   to   space 18496K, 39% used [0xb30c0000,0xb37d07d8,0xb42d0000)
>  PSOldGen        total 319488K, used 266765K [0x942d0000, 0xa7ad0000,
> 0xa7ad0000)
>   object space 319488K, 83% used [0x942d0000,0xa47535f8,0xa7ad0000)
>  PSPermGen       total 131072K, used 35161K [0x8c2d0000, 0x942d0000,
> 0x942d0000)
>   object space 131072K, 26% used [0x8c2d0000,0x8e5265e8,0x942d0000)

The crash happened in the GCTaskThread, so inside the code which is
responsible for doing Garbage Collection. As noted by others, the
exception you saw in the logo file is extremely unlikely to cause a JVM

Look at the release notes for 1.6.0_13 whether there's a fix for C
crashes included and try Chucks suggestion about using the client VM.

What's a bit strange in the above output concerning your memory use, is
that "from" and "to" are both non-empty. Usually after a GC, one of the
two is always empty. So it seems the crash happened while the JVM was
doing a garbage collection (the full young generation is another
indicator for that). You old generation is also reletively full, but we
can't judge from the numbers whether that would hevae been simply
cleaned up by a GC of tenured or not.

Look for a GC fix (1.6.0_13), or try the child vm, or try switching to
another GC algorithm, like CMS.



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