> From: will trillich [mailto:trill...@gmail.com]
> Subject: Re: trouble starting tomcat: "error 0" on Windows 64bit
> Intel Xeon E5530 running @ 2.40GHz

That's AMD64 architecture, despite Intel's reluctance to admit it.

> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_18-b02)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_18-b02, mixed mode)

That's good; note that it's in server mode; there is no client mode for 64-bit 
JVMs (unless you have the source code and build one yourself).

> No catalina.out at all, and stderr and stdout are empty. Only the
> jakarta logs from when we tried running it as a service had any info,
> as previously reported.
>  Directory of C:\Tomcat55\logs
> 05/15/2009  03:05 PM             1,252 jakarta_service_20090515.log
> 05/15/2009  03:04 PM                 0 stderr_20090515.log
> 05/15/2009  03:04 PM                 0 stdout_20090515.log

That's because of your incorrect "server" option - tomcat never got started, so 
no logs were written.  All of the above come from the service wrapper.

 - Chuck

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