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On 5/18/2009 11:35 AM, Robin Wilson wrote:
> I'm curious by your comment that Coyote/APR is performing on par with
> httpd, from the results in your first message I saw it was a pretty
> big difference. Or are you saying that wasn't using APR?

Right. Sorry if I wasn't clear: the first test (already published in a
previous message) was using the standard, non-APR Coyote connector. I'm
currently running a test which shows that APR brings Tomcat back into
contention. Here is the full set of numbers as far as the test has run:

File Size       Apache httpd    TC5.5 Coyote    TC 5.5 APR
4kiB    6215.20 5467.43 7700.63
8kiB    11630.17        9732.60 14054.87
16kiB   21271.92        16266.66        23027.55
32kiB   38257.77        27530.75        36269.42
64kiB   63729.12        41946.45        59215.64
128kiB  91768.23        56000.19        90059.61
256kiB  126919.12       72062.84        124735.84
512kiB  160506.81       66654.86        148727.29
1MiB    180850.63       72533.92        167928.56
2MiB    185157.29       75957.71        174630.72
4MiB    185262.91       77969.20        (data not yet available)
8MiB    185152.66       79075.54        (data not yet available)
16MiB   256399.66       80364.26        (data not yet available)
32MiB   189933.50       80243.41        (data not yet available)

> Also, I'd be curious about the big disparity between the 16MiB files
> and the other 1MiB-32MiB files... It looks like all of them are
> relatively consistent at the KiB/sec rates you show - but suddenly
> there's a huge burst of speed on the 16MiB file (for httpd). So I'd
> be really curious to understand why the large disparity is evident
> there.

I agree. I'll be re-running the tests against httpd, anyway, so maybe
we'll see it happen again. If anything, I would have expected to see a
sharp /decrease/ in transfer rate at some point (like a batch job ran in
the middle of the night or something). Observing the opposite is
baffling to me.

> I'd like to see your results using TC6.0.18 and APR as well.

Patience! I'll publish everything once I've got it.

> Also, just idle curiosity - does HTTPS affect the performance
> difference between the two at all? Even though these are static
> files, it would probably show if there are any SSL handling
> differences between tomcat and apache.

I'm sure it would. Once I have these stats, I could publish another set
based upon HTTPS. The APR documentation suggests that if you want decent
HTTPS performance in Tomcat, you should use APR instead of the Java SSL
libraries. So, I suspect non-APR SSL in Tomcat to perform poorly in
comparison to Apache httpd.

- -chris
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