> Also, I'd be curious about the big disparity between the 16MiB files
> and the other 1MiB-32MiB files... It looks like all of them are
> relatively consistent at the KiB/sec rates you show - but suddenly
> there's a huge burst of speed on the 16MiB file (for httpd). So I'd
> be really curious to understand why the large disparity is evident
> there.

I believe Tomcat's default static memory cache size is 10MB, so you're going
to disk for each request at this point. This is configurable in the
I'm not too familiar with httpd's default memory cache, would be worthwhile
to try and make them match. httpd also has a fancier cache removal
algorithms (LRU and GDSF).
Also fun to take a look at the free chapter at
http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596101060/chapter/ch04.pdf - a benchmark with
smaller files and concurrent users.  This benchmark has the # of worker
threads match the # of concurrent users. But I've seen benchmarks where NIO
/ APR beat out the JIO connector when using fewer threads than the # of
concurrent requests - APR / NIO have ways to freeing worker threads and
going asynchronous for static content (check out the bottom of Advanced IO
and Tomcat <http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/aio.html> ).

Benchmarking is fun but always take it with a grain of salt.

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:15 AM, David kerber <dcker...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Peter Crowther wrote:
> ...
>> As a rough first cut, vmstat 5 and watch the numbers ;-).  iostat too, if
you can.  If CPU isn't pegged at 100% and the disk isn't at full capacity,
that's an interesting result as it implies the box has spare capacity and
there's contention elsewhere - often lock contention, as David Kerber has
recently seen!
> Indeed!  Getting rid of the extra locking took care of about 98% of the
issues, and changing to the Server jvm got me to over 99%.
> D
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