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I've been testing the performance of various Tomcat configurations
against Apache httpd and my serious tests are not completing for the NIO
connector because the server is running out of files:

> May 20, 2009 2:35:55 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$Acceptor run
> SEVERE: Socket accept failed
> java.io.IOException: Too many open files
>         at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept0(Native Method)
>         at 
> sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:145)
>         at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$Acceptor.run(NioEndpoint.java:1198)
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

A bit of background for those who haven't followed the "Apache httpd vs
Tomcat static content performance" thread:

I'm running Tomcat 6.0.18 using tcnative 1.1.16. Apache httpd is not
being used for this test, so the client is contacting Tomcat directly
from localhost.

$ uname -a
Linux chadis 2.6.14-gentoo-r5 #2 PREEMPT Sat Dec 17 16:30:55 EST 2005
i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_13"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

$ ulimit -n (fds per process limit)

1GiB RAM on the machine, here are the heap details /after/  the tests
are run:

$ jmap -heap 1430
Attaching to process ID 1430, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Client compiler detected.
JVM version is 11.3-b02

using thread-local object allocation.
Mark Sweep Compact GC

Heap Configuration:
   MinHeapFreeRatio = 40
   MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70
   MaxHeapSize      = 67108864 (64.0MB)
   NewSize          = 1048576 (1.0MB)
   MaxNewSize       = 4294901760 (4095.9375MB)
   OldSize          = 4194304 (4.0MB)
   NewRatio         = 12
   SurvivorRatio    = 8
   PermSize         = 12582912 (12.0MB)
   MaxPermSize      = 67108864 (64.0MB)

Heap Usage:
New Generation (Eden + 1 Survivor Space):
   capacity = 2228224 (2.125MB)
   used     = 612888 (0.5844955444335938MB)
   free     = 1615336 (1.5405044555664062MB)
   27.505672679227942% used
Eden Space:
   capacity = 2031616 (1.9375MB)
   used     = 612888 (0.5844955444335938MB)
   free     = 1418728 (1.3530044555664062MB)
   30.167511970766128% used
- From Space:
   capacity = 196608 (0.1875MB)
   used     = 0 (0.0MB)
   free     = 196608 (0.1875MB)
   0.0% used
To Space:
   capacity = 196608 (0.1875MB)
   used     = 0 (0.0MB)
   free     = 196608 (0.1875MB)
   0.0% used
tenured generation:
   capacity = 28311552 (27.0MB)
   used     = 20464784 (19.516738891601562MB)
   free     = 7846768 (7.4832611083984375MB)
   72.28421811704283% used
Perm Generation:
   capacity = 12582912 (12.0MB)
   used     = 8834304 (8.425048828125MB)
   free     = 3748608 (3.574951171875MB)
   70.208740234375% used

Here are my <Connector> configurations:

    <!-- Regular non-APR Coyote Connector -->
    <Connector  port="8001"

    <!-- APR Connector -->
    <Connector  port="8002"

    <!-- APR without sendfile -->
    <Connector  port="8003"

    <!-- NIO Connector -->
    <Connector  port="8004"

    <!-- APR without sendfile -->
    <Connector  port="8005"

All connectors are configured at once, so I should have a maximum of 40
threads in each pool. The command I ran to benchmark each connector was
(for example):

/usr/sbin/ab -c 40 -t 480 -n 10000000 http://localhost:8004/4kiB.bin

This runs ApacheBench for 8 minutes with 40 client threads requesting a
4k file over and over again. This particular test succeeded, but there
are 14 more tests, each using a file twice the size of the previous
test. After the 128k file test, every single test fails after that.

The last test I ran (with only 1 thread instead of 40), the NIO
connector died in the same way, but the NIO connector without sendfile
enabled appeared to work properly. This time (40 threads), neither of
the connectors worker properly, the NIO connector failing to complete
any tests after the 128kb test and the NIO-sendfile connector failed to
complete /all/ of the tests (automatically run immediately following the
NIO tests).

No OOMEs were encountered: only the exception shown above (no more
files). On my previous tests, lsof reported that only one of my files
was still open by the process. After this most recent test, it appears
that 954 of my static files are still open by the process (and the test
ended over 24 hours ago).

The initial set of tests (c=1) seemed to recover, while this second set
of tests (c=40) has not.

My knee-jerk reaction is that the most number of files that should ever
be open is 40: one per request processing thread. Something, somewhere
is causing these file descriptors to stay open.

Unfortunately, I don't have any GC information for the time period
covering the test.

I still have the JVM running, so I can probably inspect it for certain
things if anyone has any questions. Unfortunately, I can't run any new
JSP files (out of files!) and it looks like I can't connect using
jconsole (probably because the JVM can't open a new socket).

I'd love some suggestions at to what's going on, here.

- -chris
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