On 21.05.2009 20:59, Pantvaidya, Vishwajit wrote:
>> 3) I think I already indicated that you do not want to look at entries
>> in TIME_WAIT state. This state is special and not related to any threads
> [Pantvaidya, Vishwajit] My netstat o/p had FIN_WAIT and CLOSE_WAIT, but not 
> TIMED_WAIT. Did some reading on TCP states, and seems to me that next time I 
> do a netstat (w/o the connTimeout in server.xml), I can ignore processes with 
> all these wait states as they seem to just indicate connections in different 
> stages of closing.

No, you can not ignore CLOSE_WAIT, FIN_WAIT, FIN_WAIT2 and maybe others.

>> 4) Firewall idle connection drop: First read
>> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-
>> doc/generic_howto/timeouts.html#Firewall%20Connection%20Dropping
>> carefully and try to understand.
>> Any mod_jk attribute that takes a booelan value will accept 1, true,
>> True, t or T as true, 0, false, False, f or F as false (and maybe even
>> more).
> [Pantvaidya, Vishwajit] Our workers.props file has most recommended settings:
> Worker...type=ajp13
> Worker...cachesize=10
> Worker...cache_timeout=600
> Worker...socket_keepalive=1
> Worker...recycle_timeout=300

It doesn't make sense for me checking values for attributes that do no
longer exist since a long time.

> We are not setting connectionpoolsize and minsize - but from the timeouts doc 
> that should be okay as JK auto adjusts to httpd poolsize. So I think only 
> thing left is to remove connectionTimeout and test.

No. First cachesize is equivalent to connection pool size. If you want
to get all idle connections closed you will also need the min pool size.
Also important are the cping/cpong features. All that applies to recent

> Your link recommends connectionTimeouts and JKoption +DisableReuse as a final 
> option - I think that will remove persistent connections on httpd and tomcat 
> side. For us, the connectionTimeout alone worked. And my netstat o/p showing 
> 11 conns on http side and only 2 on tomcat side means our http conn's are 
> persistent while tomcat ones are not, right?. So I am thinking the perf 
> downside should be better than if I had set +DisableReuse also?

You would only use DisableReuse if the other configuration options do
not help. Usually they do help, so you won't use DisableReuse.



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