Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: dfobox []
Subject: Php, tomcat, mappings and authentication.

Can I make php work under Tomcat?

It can be done, but it's less painful to do with httpd.

Can I make apache render php pages, while Tomcat renders jsp?

That's probably better.

Is it easier to implement mailing and registration on php instead of jsp, as it seems to me?

That may well be only because you're more familiar with PHP.  Personally, I 
would keep everything on Tomcat, in Java (admittedly, I am less familiar with 
PHP, plus it can become a maze of twisty little passages rather quickly).

I'm using basic authentication provided by tomcat, with username and password stored in tomcat-users.xml file in
apache-tomcat-6x/conf directory.

Definitely wouldn't recommend such a mechanism for production use - not 
terribly robust, and subject to hacking if anyone has read access to the conf 
directory.  Tomcat provides several alternative built-in realms:

Or you can use a popular filter with more options:

Or, if you decide to do the PHP part and do it under Apache httpd, then you could do all the authentication at the Apache httpd level, and pass the authenticated user-id to Tomcat (at least when using the mod_jk connector).

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