> From: CrystalCracker [mailto:sudarshan.acha...@gmail.com]
> Given that each request takes 2 seconds on average. Among
> them, some of them
> take less than 500ms, and some take as long as 5 seconds or
> even a little more sometimes.
> How many  such concurrent request would a tomcat server
> running on a double quad-core server handle?

It's totally dependent on your application.  If a 5-second request is CPU-bound 
for all that time, very few.  If it's mostly waiting for data to be returned 
from a database or web service, probably quite a lot - but you may be 
saturating the database.  At the extreme, I could write a webapp that slept for 
500ms to 5 seconds, then returned some fixed output - almost no memory use, 
almost no CPU use, and it would scale very well indeed.

There is only one way to find out how your application will perform: measure 
it.  And measure end-to-end, with measurements of load-balancers, databases, 
web service back-ends and so on.  Anything else won't give you a true picture.

There is one general point, though.  You'll need to set up enough threads on 
your connector that you can handle that degree of concurrency, or Tomcat will 
become a bottleneck.

                - Peter

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