> From: CrystalCracker [mailto:sudarshan.acha...@gmail.com]
> The 5 seconds calls are all database or webservice calls. So
> they all go to waiting state.

OK.  So the bottleneck almost certainly isn't Tomcat.

> I did some load tests using JMeter, but I had problems coming to a
> conclusion with the data. What should I look for exactly? Because as I
> increase the no of concurrent requests, the app starts
> responding slower and slower.

1) Make sure you're measuring the important things.  You should be measuring 
load on Tomcat, but also on the database and on the web services - and on the 

2) Look for the bottleneck.  It may be in an odd place - RAM or (equivalently, 
in many cases) disk seeks per second on the database server are both common 
bottlenecks.  There's no guarantee it's on your Web server at all (though it 
might be).

JMeter's output isn't useful for finding bottlenecks.  The output of tools on 
your servers *is* useful.  On Windows, Performance Monitor is your friend.  On 
UNIX, vmstat and iostat are good first lines of attack; your flavour of UNIX 
probably has better tools than those.

                - Peter

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