Anthony J. Biacco wrote:
It turned out I just wasn't using a response big enough. Once I did something 
like 10k I then got a chunked header from tomcat.

Ok, so it isn't mod_jk/AJP specifically, it's deeper.
It was a bit to be expected, since the server has no real way to know when your servlet is going to stop sending more bytes..
Well, that leaves the Apache module solution.

Maybe your idea of making this be a HTTP 1.0 request, or say set whatever internal flag Tomcat would itself set if it had been an HTTP 1.0 request. Perhaps a servlet filter is soon enough, or if not, a <Valve>. Provided that would do the trick, it is also something you could do at the Apache level, before proxying to Tomcat. I am wondering about possible side-effects though. The chunked encoding is probably not the only difference between 1.0 and 1.1. For example, if your Tomcat has Virtual Hosts, it may be an issue.

Now, maybe another stupid question : do you /have/ to generate these javascripts with Tomcat ? Couldn't your front-end generate them by itself ?

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