Robert Rowntree wrote:
> we are running a cluster of 3 nodes. we are on linux . we run tomcat 5.5.15
> and do not use the server.conf clustering . we cluster tomcat with an
> external load balancer.

That's a really old Tomcat, lots and lots of bug fixes since then.
You should consider upgrading, at least to the latest 5.5 version.

> we have tried using a context file like the example below in order to serve
> webapps from the shared drive and have experienced the following differences
> when compared to using locally attached storage for webapps:
> Symptoms:
>    1. On a startup with a new war file positioned in the root directory for
>    the webapp the war file does not unpack. ./manager/list shows the app
>    running but it wont serve anything because war file never expanded.
>    2. in 'manager app' , using the GUI request 'reload' and the war file
>    does not unpack
>    3. in 'manager app' , using the GUI request 'undeploy' and the root
>    directory does not get deleted . the only thing that happens is the context
>    file from ./TomcatRoot/conf/Catalina/localhost is deleted.
> when we put the $myapp.war file in the root directory , the war file does
> not expand or unpack on a tomcat startup. 

"root" is a special word around here; do you mean "webapps" dir?

> ./Manager/list shows that 'myapp'
> is 'running' but only the war file exists in the directoy. until we run an
> explicit 'jar -xf $myapp.jar' no unpacking occurs. Only with the explicit
> command do we get the result that we expect - unpacked war file is the
> result.
> Tomcat process runs under a user id that should have 'exec' permissions in
> the directory where the war file is.  The context for the webapp includes a
> 'background-processor-thread' .

It'll need write permissions if it's going to expand the war file.

> Im trying to figure out whether it is more trouble to do multiple deploys of
> the war file to each node in the cluster or whether we can have a reliable
> procedure redeploying war files to a shared drive running on NFS..

Are you saying that each server is sharing access to the same webapp file?

Each Tomcat might try to expand the war file into the same shared
directory, which could produce unpredictable outcomes.

Disk space is cheap: the amount of time you've already spent doing this
has probably negated any savings in deployment that you might have been
hoping for.

Can you make the webapp work when it's deployed locally on each server?


> --- context file for the webapp:
> <Context path="/test" docBase="/mnt/nas1data/www/test" override="true"
> backgroundProcessorDelay="10" />

Where is this context file placed/found?


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