It was helpful in at least getting us to the lines of code that needed some investigating. It appears to be a blocking issue in our JDBC connections although we don't know what is the cause and why it is so random. Spent quite a bit of time looking into issues with the Commons jars, DBCP and Pool in particular. This thing just flat out deadlocks and then the threads start building. Seen much discussion about this very issue but even though we are using the latest Commons jars now, we still have the issue. I am looking at the DB Manager code I wrote to see if I am doing something wrong in implementing the pooling. Based on the tracing statements we put into the manager code, the pool is manging itself nicely, the active connections even drop to zero as all connections are returned to the pool so I know that we aren't leaving some connections open by accident. Yet, we still get blocking showing up and the the threads climb and eventually the app becomes completely unresponsive.

Just getting started on sorting this out but the dumps have been invaluable it getting us to the source of the problem. Now, if we could just figure out *why*.


Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1


On 6/18/2009 10:52 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
Thanks.  Looking at the dump I can see there is an issue with a DB
manager we wrote (Blocking).  I'll investigate further.

It's amazing what you can learn just from looking at a few thread dumps
of your running application. You may have already identified a big
problem (contended resource is stalling) which may be contributing to
your observations. On the other hand, it could be an entirely different

- -chris
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