Thanks for the prompt reply. 

Yes. I did read the following howto document on timeout and also the mail 
After reading the timeout howto once again, many things are becoming clear. 
Thanks for such a good document.

As I was reading the timeout howto once again, one question came to my mind. 
What is the difference between socket_timeout and socket_connect_timeout? 
socket_timeout is used for TCP send/receive timeouts. Does 
socket_connect_timeout indicate failure to establish socket connection? 

One question regardig recovery. Every maintainence period it tries to recover 
worker in ERR state. I see the state being changed to ERR/REC. What does it 
exactly do during recovery? Are the real new requests sent to the worker in 
ERR/REC state? At present, we have recorvey option, reply_timeout set to 
default. ping_mode is not set. If it does try a real new request with a worker 
during ERR/REC state and if request doesn't succeed then the request is sent to 
a good worker? 

We have mod_jk load balancer running in production. We are using load balancer 
with 19 mod_jk workers. We noticed that even though 10 out of 19 tomcat workers 
are in good state, some times web site is unresponsive for few minutes. Thats 
why, I was wondering if somehow the requests are still being sent to 9 workers 
which are in bad state. Perhaps, this is happening during the transition when a 
worker goes bad but it takes time for the load balancer to detect that. This 
was setup by somebody else and prepost_timeout, ping_mode, reply_timeout and 
recovery_options are not set. I am hoping that after setting these timeout 
values we will not see these issue. I will be setting these timeout values in 
production system, so are there anythings I should be careful about?

Thanks a lot.


--- On Tue, 7/14/09, Rainer Jung <> wrote:

> From: Rainer Jung <>
> Subject: Re: reply timeout, connect_timeout and preprost_timeout values
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
> Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 2:14 AM
> On 14.07.2009 04:34, Madhuri
> Patwardhan wrote:
> Did you read the docs page about timeouts:
> If you are very concerned about timeouts, use version
> 1.2.28, because it
> has an additional socket_connect_timeout.
> > connect_timeout and preprost_timeout what would be the
> typical
> > values? something like "5000" or less/more?
> I wouldn't choose less. The ping timeout usually shouldn't
> fire. By
> going to extremes, very small problems might lead to an
> unacceptable big
> reaction (taking a worker out of balancing, only because a
> ping took a
> second or so).
> Note, that in 1.2.28 there is an alternative unified way of
> setting the
> ping_timeout.
> > I also wonder if I specify prepost_timeout then it
> would mean now
> > each request would take that much additional
> time?Before serving
> > each request cping/cpong would be tried with timeout
> value of
> > prepost_timeout so that adds little delay to serving
> the request??
> Yes, before each request it adds a little latency, but
> usually only very
> few milliseconds, because the ping processing is very
> simple. It adds
> roughly double the network latency between your Apache and
> Tomcat, which
> for a normal LAN will be a single digit millisecond
> number.
> I usually rate the improved stability higher than this
> additional
> resource use and latency.
> > Also, a typical value for recovery_options would be
> "3".
> ... or "7".
> Concerning reply timeout: Also set max_reply_timeouts.
> Don't push
> reply_timeouts to low. In 1.2.28 you can set a general
> reply_timeout and
> set more specific ones for individual URL patterns, e.g. if
> you have
> some URLs that you expect to respond very sow (report
> generation etc.).
> This is done using extensions. See
> Regards,
> Rainer
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