Hello all,

I have this use case:
I'm developing a web applicaton that makes an RMI call to a server. If I have a 
standalone Tomcat instance, and deploy the war to it, it works fine. 

However, when I use the maven-tomcat-plugin I get a MalformedURLException. 
Searching for this problem online there is some information like:
The problem's cause is that one or more jars from the classpath contain spaces 
in their path. This is indeed so, since all the maven dependencies are in the 
form: C:\Documents and Settings\user\.m2\.....
(The exception is: MalformedURLException: unkown protocol: and)

However there must be some bug with Tomcat (the maven plugin uses version 
6.0.16), because when using the maven-jetty-plugin this problem doesn't occur.
If you debug and set a breakpoint in the method 
java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader.newDefaultProviderInstance(), you'll notice that 
the spaces in the codebase URLs are not escaped, whereas with Jetty they are.

Could someone confirm if this is a bug, or if there is a workaround?



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