Take a look at
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/class-loader-howto.html.  Then
consider that tomcat's database pooling is instantiated in tomcat's
internal classes which do not have access to any webapp's WEB-INF/lib
folder.  The driver has to be visible to both tomcat's internal classes
and the individual webapps, so it's best placed in tomcat's lib folder
(or common/lib for older versions of tomcat).


Martin Gainty wrote:
> very thorough analysis
> hopefully quick question on location of mysql libraries
> Tomcat managed database connections:
> Requires the MySQL connectors to be in $CATALINA_HOME/lib
> Hibernate managed database connections:
> Based on the above, you'll need to place the MySQL connection jar in
> your WEB-INF/lib directory.  
> any reason why Tomcat managed DB connection would not read mysql jars located 
> in WEB-INF/lib?
> thanks again
> Martin Gainty 
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>> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:56:32 -0700
>> From: its_toas...@yahoo.com
>> Subject: Re: Seeking the right solution to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>> --- On Mon, 7/20/09, David Smith <d...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>>> From: David Smith <d...@cornell.edu>
>>> Subject: Re: Seeking the right solution to 
>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>>> To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
>>> Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 6:16 PM
>>> Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>>>> From: David Smith [mailto:d...@cornell.edu]
>>>>> Subject: Re: Seeking the right solution to
>>>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>>>>> This configuration is using a tomcat managed
>>> database pool.  Put your
>>>>> mysql jar file in tomcat's lib folder and you'll
>>> see the error go away.
>>>> But the stated intent is to use C3P0 pooling, rather
>>> than Tomcat's pooling; in that case, the <Resource>
>>> element must be removed and instead configured via whatever
>>> mechanism C3P0 wants.  Can't have both.
>>>>  - Chuck
>>> No argument here.  I'm just diagnosing the current
>>> issue.  If the OP
>>> wants help with C3PO, that should be the configuration we
>>> are given.
>>> --David
>> Late to the thread, and this is probably overkill.
>> This is my understanding concerning how the Tomcat / Hibernate / database 
>> environment works.  Your mileage may vary, and I will probably be corrected 
>> by some people on the list.
>> Please note that I've only used Tomcat managed database pooling.
>> Tomcat Managed Database Pooling
>> ===============================
>> Anyway, here is my environment.
>> OS      - Fedora 10
>> ===================
>> jdk/jre   - 1.6.0_14
>> Tomcat    - 6.0.20
>> MySQL     - 5.0.77-1
>> IDE       - NetBeans 6.7
>> Hibernate - 3.2.5.ga (provided with NetBeans)
>> OS        - Windows/XP Professional SP 3
>> ===================
>> jdk/jre   - 1.6.0_14
>> Tomcat    - 6.0.20
>> MySQL     - 5.1.31
>> IDE       - NetBeans 6.7
>> Hibernate - 3.2.5.ga (provided with NetBeans)
>> I've chosen to use Tomcat's database pooling for the NetBeans DVD Store 
>> tutorial sample application.  This necessitates several changes in how the 
>> application is configured.
>> Basics
>> ======
>> 1. Per Tomcat documentation, I've placed
>>    mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar in Tomcat's lib directory.  This
>>    makes it available to Tomcat in order to set up database pooling
>> 2. All Hibernate jars are located in WEB-INF/lib.  NetBeans builds the
>>    war file correctly, so I don't have to copy any jar files around.
>> Web Application
>> ===============
>> This also follows the Tomcat documentation for creating Tomcat-managed
>> connection pooling.
>> 1. In META-INF/context.xml:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/DVDStore">
>>     <Resource auth="Container"
>>               driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
>>               maxActive="30" maxIdle="10"
>>               maxWait="10000" name="jdbc/sakila"
>>               password="*****"
>>               type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>>               url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/sakila"
>>               username="*****"/>
>> </Context>
>> Obviously, replace the asterisks with the appropriate username and
>> password.  Replace the database url with your appropriate database.
>> 2. In WEB-INF/web.xml:
>> <resource-ref>
>>     <description>This is a MySQL database connection</description>
>>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/sakila</res-ref-name>
>>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>> </resource-ref>
>> Hibernate Configuration
>> =======================
>> So far, this has all been more or less boilerplate Tomcat
>> configuration.  The next step is to get Hibernate to talk to Tomcat's
>> database connection pool as opposed to its own connection pool or a
>> direct connection.
>> After searching a bit on the Internet, I found that the following
>> connection information works.
>> 1. In hibernate.cfg.xml located in WEB-INF/:
>> <!-- using container-managed JNDI -->
>> <propertyname="hibernate.connection.datasource">
>>     java:comp/env/jdbc/sakila
>> </property>
>> Note that jdbc/sakila matches the web.xml resource-ref-name, which
>> matches the name attribute in context.xml.  java:comp/env/ is the
>> namespace to look up the jdbc reference.
>> No other connection or pooling information should be present in your
>> hibernate.cfg.xml file.
>> Application Code
>> ================
>> Since Hibernate hides a lot of the details for connection management,
>> this code should not have to change.  In particular:
>> 1. Creating the SessionFactory
>> // SessionFactory from standard hibernate.cfg.xml file
>> try {
>>     sessionFactory =
>>         new AnnotationConfiguration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
>> } catch (Throwable ex) {
>> // Log the exception. 
>>     log.fatal("Initial SessionFactory creation failed.", ex);
>>     throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
>> }
>> 2. Getting the SessionFactory
>> public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
>>     return sessionFactory;
>> }
>> For my application, both of these code snippets live in
>> HibernateUtil.java.  My code also creates an mbean for monitoring
>> Hibernate.
>> You can then wrap this code up in a servlet context listener, which
>> should then create the session factory (which connects to the Tomcat -
>> provided connection pool) at application startup.  It's also handy for
>> cleaning up resources when the application is shut down.  In my case,
>> I use this to unregister the monitoring mbean.
>> Other Notes
>> ===========
>> If you look at your logs, you may see the following warning:
>> INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 -
>>      Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
>> This is due to the fact that Hibernate can bind a session factory to a
>> JNDI name, but none is configured.  This is not the JDBC resource.
>> This facility probably exists to make sharing session factories
>> easier, and to clean up calls like the following:
>> Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
>> Tomcat provides a read-only InitialContext, while Hibernate requires
>> read-write.  Tomcat is apparently following the specification for
>> unmanaged containers.  If you want to bind the session factory to a
>> JNDI object, you'll either have to move to a managed server
>> (Glassfish, JBoss, etc.), or search on the Internet for some posted
>> work-arounds.
>> The recommendation from the Hibernate documentation is to just leave
>> out the hibernate.session_factory_name property when working with
>> Tomcat to not try binding to JNDI.
>> Hibernate Managed Database Pooling
>> ==================================
>> I've not tried this, since I always rely on container managed database
>> connections.  However, after reading the documentation, I gather that
>> this is what needs to be done.
>> Web Application Configuration
>> =============================
>> 1. Remove the <Resource></Resource> element from the context.xml
>>    file.  Tomcat is not going to be managing the database connection.
>> 2. Remove the <resource-ref></resource-ref> element the web.xml file.
>>    Tomcat is not going to be managing the database connection.
>> Jar Files
>> =========
>> According to the Tomcat classloader documentation, Tomcat makes jar
>> files available to your application in the following order:
>>     * Bootstrap classes of your JVM
>>     * System class loader classses (described above)
>>     * /WEB-INF/classes of your web application
>>     * /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application
>>     * $CATALINA_HOME/lib
>>     * $CATALINA_HOME/lib/*.jar
>> In particular, the following two pieces of information should be
>> noted.
>> 1. The jar files in lib/ are made available to both your application
>>    and to Tomcat.  Database connection jars are placed here if you
>>    will be relying on Tomcat to manage connection pooling.
>> 2. In general, application-specific jars (such as Hibernate's
>>    connection pooling jars) should NOT be placed in the lib/ directory
>>    of Tomcat.
>> Based on the above, you'll need to place the MySQL connection jar in
>> your WEB-INF/lib directory.  Hibernate ships with the CP30 connection
>> pooling classes, so as long as the Hibernate jars are in your
>> WEB-INF/lib directory (which they should be), you'll be fine.
>> Hibernate Application Configuration
>> ===================================
>> Since Hibernate will be managing both the connection and the database
>> pooling, you'll have to configure Hibernate with that information.
>> In hibernate.cfg.xml, you'll need both connection information and
>> connection pooling information.  Here are the snippets of that file
>> <!-- connection information -->
>> <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
>>     com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>> </property>
>> <property name="hibernate.connection.url">
>>     jdbc:mysql://localhost/sakila
>> </property>
>> <property name="hibernate.connection.username">******</property>
>> <property name="hibernate.connection.password">******</property>
>> <!-- database pooling information -->
>> <property name="connection_provider_class">
>>     org.hibernate.connection.CP30ConnectionProvider
>> </property>
>> <property name="c3p0.minPoolSize">
>>     5
>> </property>
>> <property name="c3p0.timeout">
>>     1000
>> </property>
>> There are probably other properties to configure, but that should get
>> things up and running.  As always, change the database properties to
>> reflect your particular application.
>> Summary
>> =======
>> Tomcat managed database connections:
>> 1. Requires META-INF/context.xml information
>> 2. Requires WEB-INF/web.xml information
>> 3. Requires a simple JNDI configuration referencing the connection
>> 4. Requires the MySQL connectors to be in $CATALINA_HOME/lib
>> 5. Requires the Hibernate jars to be in WEB-INF/lib
>> Hibernate managed database connections:
>> 1. Requires NO META-INF/context.xml information
>> 2. Requires NO WEB-INF/web.xml information
>> 3. Requires connection information to be in hibernate.cfg.xml
>> 4. Requires pooling information to be in hibernate.cfg.xml
>> 5. Requires MySQL connectors to be in WEB-INF/lib (ideally)
>> 6. Requires the Hibernate jars to be in WEB-INF/lib
>> Hope this helps.
>> /mde/
>> PS - I just hacked together the Hibernate-controlled database connection / 
>> pooling on a freshly installed Tomcat 6.0.20. It works as advertised.

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