Pleaase take a look at the Error log I have attached and the link

In the tab box that pops up when tomcat6w.exe is double clicked, I have (it
was not there initially) specified Java Classpath as
C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\bootstrap.jar, if so why does the log file at
C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\logs\jakarta_service_20090724.log have an entry
saying "Failed loading main  class

In my Apache Tomcat 6 properties tab box in the Startup tab the entry class
and image has no entries what should they be


2009/7/24 Varuna Seneviratna <>

> I went to service and right clicked Apache Tomcat 6.Then on the general tab
> of the dialog box
> "Path to Executable" was pointing to a wrong location.It was "C:\Program
> Files\Apache Software Foundation\........tomcat6.exe"  //RS//Tomcat6.I tried
> to edit it But it was not possible so I went to Windows registry and under
> "services"  I selected tomcat6 it displayed some values But it contained a
> path (well it was just instinct)named imagePath, I modified it to point to
> the correct location(C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\tomcat6.exe).Now the "Path
> to Executable" in services points to the right location .But when tried to
> start the service through services Apache Tomcat 6 a message box comes up,
> it says that 1 Windows was unable to start the service, 2 go to Event
> Viewer,  3 refer service specific error code 0.
>                                     In the Event Viewer the Error
> Properties contained
> Event Type:    Error
> Event Source:    Service Control Manager
> Event Category:    None
> Event ID:    7024
> Date:        24/07/2009
> Time:        10:49:45
> User:        N/A
> Computer:    VARUNA
> Description:
> The Apache Tomcat 6 service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0x0).
> For more information, see Help and Support Center at
> I went to the location refereed in the Error Properties by clicking the
> error property boxe's description section for more infoormation and it is
>  Details  *Product:* Windows Operating System  *ID:* 7024  *Source:* Service
> Control Manager  *Version:* 5.2  *Symbolic Name:*
> EVENT_SERVICE_EXIT_FAILED_SPECIFIC  *Message:* The %1 service terminated
> with service-specific error %2.     Explanation
> The specified service stopped unexpectedly with the error indicated in the
> message. Windows does not recognize the service's error code.
>      User Action
> To display the service-specific error code in the Service_Exit_Code field,
> at the command line, type
> *sc query* *service name*
> The information displayed might help you troubleshoot why the error
> occurred.
>           *Version:* 5.0  *Component:* System Event Log  *Symbolic Name:*
> EVENT_SERVICE_EXIT_FAILED_SPECIFIC  *Message:* The %1 service terminated
> with service-specific error %2.      Explanation
> The specified service stopped unexpectedly with the error indicated in the
> message. Windows does not recognize the service's error code.
>      User Action
> To display the service-specific error code in the Service_Exit_Code field,
> at the command line, type
> *sc query* *service name*
> The information displayed might help you troubleshoot why the error
> occurred.
> As instructed in the above I opened a console window and typed "sc query
> Tomcat6" the result is
> C:\>sc query Tomcat6
>         TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
>         STATE              : 1  STOPPED
>         WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 1066       (0x42a)
>         SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
>         CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
>         WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
> The SERVICE_EXIT_CODE is 0 (0x0) what does that mean is left to find out.I
> am working on it
> André Warnier wrote:
>> Probably because then, you started Tomcat using the "startup.bat" command
>> file, and not the parameters contained in the Registry.
>> It is certainly logical, but you would have to examine "startup.bat" to
>> find the exact reason.
>> Do that as an exercise, it may help.
> I checked "startup.bat" it does not contain "JAVA_HOME" But it does contain
> "%CATALINA_HOME%", I am not aware how .bat file scripts work well as you
> said I will explore how and what this means
> Anyway, now seems the appropriate time to see what our friend the
> "tomcat6w.exe" program has to say.  Remember, this is the GUI program that
> allows you to examine (and change) the Registry parameters that are used by
> tomcat6.exe when it tries to run the JVM and Tomcat.
> Look at the various tabs there, and try to find something which does not
> fit.
> We cannot really help you there, because of course this is only on your
> syst
> For example, on my Windows XP station, I have this under the "Java" tab :
> Java Virtual Machine : C:\Java6jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
> Java classpath : C:\Tomcat5.5\bin\bootstrap.jar
> etc..
> all of these paths should be correct of course.
> What do yours look like ?
> In my "tomcat6.exe"  in the Java  tab there was no Java Classpath I pointed
> it to
> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\bootstrap.jar  and Java Virtual Machine is
> C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
>  In the startup and shutdown tabs the working path just as was "Path to
> Excecutable" pointing to a location false location, I changed it and now
> Working Path is
> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20
> In the General tab "Path to Excecutable was wrong and as described above I
> corrected it and now it is "C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\tomcat6.exe"
> \\RS\\Tomcat6
> Thanks
> Varuna
> 2009/7/23 André Warnier <>
>> Good, we are making progress !
>> Varuna Seneviratna wrote:
>>> Andre:
>>>     I edited the service.bat, only part that had to be added was "echo
>>> Using %EXECUTABLE%:"
>>> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin>service.bat install
>>> Installing the service 'Tomcat6' ...
>>> Using CATALINA_HOME:    C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20
>>> Using CATALINA_BASE:    C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20
>>> Using JAVA_HOME:        C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14
>>> Using JVM:              C:\Program
>>> Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
>>> Using C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\tomcat6.exe:
>>> "C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\tom
>>> cat6.exe" //IS//Tomcat6 --StartClass
>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
>>> --Sto
>>> pClass org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StartParams start
>>> --StopParams st
>>> op
>>> The service 'Tomcat6' has been installed.
>> Ah ! That's good, isn't it ?
>>> I copied and pasted the path to the "JAVA_HOME" may be that's what made
>>> the
>>> difference this time.
>> Probably.
>> But if JAVA_HOME was pointed to the wrong path how
>>> could it be started in a non service mode.
>> Probably because then, you started Tomcat using the "startup.bat" command
>> file, and not the parameters contained in the Registry.
>> It is certainly logical, but you would have to examine "startup.bat" to
>> find the exact reason.
>> Do that as an exercise, it may help.
>> Now "apache tomcat6" is in the
>>> services list But can not be started.When tried to start
>>> the message is "Error 3: The system can not find the path specified".The
>>> "Using JVM" earlier was  C:\Program
>>> Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll and now it has become
>>> jre\bin\server\jvm.dll.In both these locations there is a jvm.dll
>>>                  In the Event Viewer under system the message was
>>> Event Type:    Error
>>> Event Source:    Service Control Manager
>>> Event Category:    None
>>> Event ID:    7000
>>> Date:        23/07/2009
>>> Time:        16:52:44
>>> User:        N/A
>>> Computer:    VARUNA
>>> Description:
>>> The Apache Tomcat 6 service failed to start due to the following error:
>>> The system cannot find the path specified.
>>>  Ok, so now we have only a path somewhere pointing to the wrong place.
>> But at least we know what the real problem is.
>>  For more information, see Help and Support Center at
>> Maybe you should try them ?  ;-)
>>> When given the long command
>>> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin>"tomcat6.exe" //IS//%SERVICE_NAME%
>>> --StartClass
>>> org.
>>> apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StopClass
>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootst
>>> rap --StartParams start --StopParams stop
>>> The above command displayed a message box with a big Red X round shape
>>> mark(What do you call it?), titled "Application System"  and it's message
>>> was nonAlpha 37
>>>  That is a new one to me, I never saw one of those.
>> Maybe this is still some Kasperski thing ?
>> em that the parameters are wrong.  On our systems Tomcat starts up fine.
>> ;-)
>> Anyway, now seems the appropriate time to see what our friend the
>> "tomcat6w.exe" program has to say.  Remember, this is the GUI program that
>> allows you to examine (and change) the Registry parameters that are used by
>> tomcat6.exe when it tries to run the JVM and Tomcat.
>> Look at the various tabs there, and try to find something which does not
>> fit.
>> We cannot really help you there, because of course this is only on your
>> syst
>> For example, on my Windows XP station, I have this under the "Java" tab :
>> Java Virtual Machine : C:\Java6jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
>> Java classpath : C:\Tomcat5.5\bin\bootstrap.jar
>> etc..
>> all of these paths should be correct of course.
>> What do yours look like ?
>> Note:
>> By the way, this "tomcat6w.exe" program is just a kind of "registry
>> editor".  The values you see here are the ones that you can also see using
>> the "regedit" program, and examining the key :
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat6
>> (but it is much safer doing this with tomcat6w.exe)
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> --
> Kind Regards Varuna
> Varuna Seneviratna
> No 514 Udumulla Road
> Battaramulla
> Sri Lanka
> Tel : 011-2888620
> Mobile:0715617141

Kind Regards Varuna

Varuna Seneviratna
No 514 Udumulla Road
Sri Lanka
Tel : 011-2888620
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