One more thing.  Here is my server.xml information that is relative:

<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"
SSLEngine="on" SSLRandomSeed="builtin" />

<Connector port="443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
        minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75"
        enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true"
        acceptCount="100"  maxThreads="200"
        scheme="https" secure="true"
        keystoreFile="C:\Documents and Settings\Zeus\.keystore"
        clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Josh Gooding <>wrote:

> Hello again.
> Now that I have deployed my project on Tomcat 6.0.18 with a MySQL 5.1 db, I
> need to clamp the server down tight using SSL.  I've already created my
> keystore file and I am able to get the server to serve on port 443 (by going
> to http://localhost:443).  I can get it to Subsequent attempts to serve as
> https://localhost are proving not to be fruitful.
> I have a webserver (tomcat) that is in development status that I want to
> clamp down.  I am using a realm to login using j_security_check to login to
> the software.  Right now what I want to do is install the Apache webserver
> and get it talking to tomcat (not hard).  I created my keystore file and I
> know it works because I've tested it.  What I need to know are these things
> (btw, if they are in the docs, please just say so and I'll look harder)
> If I want to use SSL for each person logging into the instance (which is
> using Tomcat to serve) do I need to have SSL on both Apache webserver and
> Tomcat, just the webserver, or just tomcat?
> Right now for example, if I go to 
>[companyid]<>I get a 
> simple login / pwd (using j_sec_chk).  I'm using a realm
> configuration in my It's not using SSL.  Following Tomcat's instructions, I
> have SSL configured on my test server, and it seems to run if I go to
> I get the default tomcat page.  However if
> I go to, I get "cannot connect or website not
> responding"  I can't remember which one.  Is this a simple configuration
> thing or will this solve itself if I install the webserver and connect tc
> and apache web?
> Second, since I am using j_security_check for login, are there native
> classes in tomcat that will allow me to utilize j_sec_chk and SSL?  Is there
> another method of logging in that I should use?  I can write my own custom
> classes, but I am not really clear on if there is something better that is
> native.  i'm looking at needing a 3 strikes and your locked out
> functionality across SSL.  This is a simple yes there is a better way and
> it's part of tomcat, or write your custom code.  I'm not looking for the
> typical "please do it for me" requests that I normally see on dev / user
> lists.
> Since each company has exactly ONE html page (which is only a welcome
> page), I honestly don't see the need to install the webserver except the
> fact that it is the right way of doing things.  Is my thinking off on this?
> For some reason, my brain is becoming like a sponge for tomcat
> configuration.  So forgive me for asking a ton of questions.  I'm reading
> both the tomcat documentation and an O'Reilly book on tomcat, and I want to
> get good enough at this that I can configure it in any environment.  I
> really enjoy tomcat and become knowledgeable enough that I don't fel like
> such a newbie asking questions.  Any insight or direction would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Warm regards,
> Josh

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