Hi all,

I'm preparing for deploying Tomcat based web applications on a dedicated server (finally!). I have experience with Tomcat webapps on my local Windows machine, but am making myself familiar with a real-life situation on a Ubuntu Linux server.

From what I've read, chrooting Tomcat seems a sensible security measure, documented in detail in O'Reilly's "Tomcat: the Definitive Guide" (<http://oreilly.com/catalog/tomcat/chapter/ch06.pdf>). Before I start messing around, however, I would like to clarify some concepts.

If I
1. setup Tomcat for virtual hosts, serving webapps from another directory than %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps, say /var/www/virtualhosts/[virtualhost]/
   2. install Tomcat in its chroot jail at /home/chroot/tomcat
...will Tomcat be able to serve these webapps?

In other words: is it possible to have Tomcat serve web applications that are physically located outside the chroot jail within which Tomcat is running? I am considering this option because I would like to configure the webapps under /var/www/virtualhosts/[virtualhost]/ for chrooted SSH/SFTP access as well. If this is not possible, are there perhaps other common guidelines for configuring virtual hosts for a chrooted Tomcat?

I'm aware of and apologise for the basic level of these questions; any hints would be really appreciated!

Ron Van den Branden

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