Mateusz Kijowski wrote:
>>> All in all, I believe the on-line doc has a bigger chance of being
>>> accurate than the book; and I also believe Tomcat will just ignore
>>> attributes that it does not know.
>> I regard both of the above statements as true. What version of Tomcat
>> does your copy of "Tomcat: The Definitive Guide" cover? Assuming you
>> have the 2nd Edition, it was written in 2007 and should cover Tomcat 6
>> configuration as well as 5.5.
> The "Definitive Guide" I have is the second edition, supposedly
> covering 6.0. The book doesn't describe HTTP and AJP connectors
> separately, instead the attributes in question are both present in the
> list of allowed attributes for the Connector config element.

That is bad. There are significant differences between AJP and HTTP.

> The
> header of the attribute list says that the list contains attributes
> allowed by all Connectors shipped with Tomcat (not specifying any
> specific version). That's why I guessed that Tomcat version was
> irrelevant.
> Again, either the on-line docs are out of date, or the book is wrong.

The book is wrong. Whilst the on-line docs aren't perfect they are
always going to be more up to date than a book.

>> You didn't mention which version of Tomcat you're using, so we don't
>> know which configuration documentation to send you. :(
> Sorry about that, I am using 6.0.18 and Apache httpd 2.2.11. The
> problem still occurs quite regularly, and I can't think of any more
> settings to tune.

As per the advice previously mentioned in this thread. Connect directly
to Tomcat and see if you still get the problem. That would help narrow
things down.

What is your timeout setting for httpd?

Personally, I usually roll out Wireshark / tcpdump at this point to see
exactly what is going on. It'll be a time-out somewhere. You just need
to find out where.


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