>Search the archives. This been covered repeatedly.

Mark, I did try to search extensively, even after posting. A while after my
post I continued searching but the only post that appeared at the top of
the search results happened to be my very own post.

I searched using keyword "conf/Catalina", "tomcat 6.0.20 conf/Catalina",
"context.xml copied" "context.xml not changed" "tomcat doesn't pick up
changes context.xml" "changed context.xml ignored", etc. As I mentioned,
I'm a long time Tomcat user. I always just copy my web application
statically to Tomcat's webapps directory ("$CATALINA_BASE/webapps") for the
production server and use MyEclipse for deployment during development.

The Tomcat deployment documentation doesn't mention this copying and not
updating of context.xml at all:


It says this:

>The locations for Context Descriptors are;
>Files in (1) are named [webappname].xml but files in (2) are named
context.xml. If a Context Descriptor is not provided for a Context, Tomcat
configures the Context using default values.

And this:

>If you are not interested in using the Tomcat Manager, or TCD, then you'll
need to deploy your web applications statically to Tomcat, followed by a
Tomcat startup. The location you deploy web applications to for this type
of deployment is called the appBase which is specified per Host. You either
copy a so-called exploded web application, i.e non-compressed, to this
location, or a compressed web application resource .WAR file.
>The web applications present in the location specified by the Host's
(default Host is "localhost") appBase attribute (default appBase is
"$CATALINA_BASE/webapps") will be deployed on Tomcat startup only if the
Host's deployOnStartup attribute is "true".
>The following deployment sequence will occur on Tomcat startup in that
>Any Context Descriptors will be deployed first.
>Exploded web applications not referenced by any Context Descriptor will
then be deployed. If they have an associated .WAR file in the appBase and
it is newer than the exploded web application, the >exploded directory will
be removed and the webapp will be redeployed from the .WAR
>.WAR files will be deployed
>Note again that for each deployed web application, a Context Descriptor
will be created unless one exists already.

The first line of the second quote "then you'll need to deploy your web
applications statically to Tomcat" is my use case. I'm interested in doing
the static deploy. The last line says that a Context Descriptor will be
created, *unless* one exists already. The first quote makes it clear that
$CATALINA_BASE/webapps/[webappname]/META-INF/context.xml qualifies as a
Context Descriptor. 

My web module/application contains a context.xml, yet Tomcat creates one in
conf/Catalina by copying the one from my (exploded) static deployment. I'm
frantically reading through every piece of Tomcat documentation that I can
get my hands on, but I just can't find a reference to this copying.
Meanwhile I'll try scanning every post in the Tomcat mailing list archive
manually, as my keyword searches seem to bring me nothing.

It would be very much appreciated if you could give me some keywords to
search on. An actual link would be even better of course, but I'm
absolutely willing to do the searching myself. To be sure, I want to make
it clear that I've been able to deploy statically to almost each and every
version of Tomcat since the late 4.x revisions. A version as recent as
Tomcat 6.0.18 didn't seem to have this problem. 

Thanks in advance for all help.

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