Sorry Tomcat 6.20, Red Hat Enterprise edition 4 i think. java 1.6. And i
mean once logged in i have to login again after clicking on a link in the
restricted area.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Pid <> wrote:

> On 20/08/2009 10:40, Dean Chester wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've written my application using j_security_check yet i keep having to
>> log
>> in in the restricted area. Has anyone else experienced this?
> Yep. I have to log in each time I want to use our app - it's a side effect
> of implementing security.
> Or is your question referring to a less vague and more specific issue?
>  Because it works with a small amount of JSPs and then when i implement it
>> all in to my
>> application it doesn't work.
> I might need to warm up my Internet Telepathy(tm) without some more
> information...
>  Where am i most likely going wrong?
> Not telling us your Tomcat version, JVM version, OS version...
> p
>  Thanks in advance
>> Dean
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