Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the reply.
I am using Tomcat6 and Velocity 1.6
As I mentioned I know this problem is due to the mapping I added to
Spring context xml for Velocity engine bean,  SimpleMailMessage,
JavaMailSender because if I take it out from the xml, web application
gets initialized in the expected manner.
I did one more exercise for this problem. My web application being a
larger and complicated web application, Spring context xml has mapping
for lot of beans. So I creates an independent sample web application
with Spring MVC and tried to implement the email sending with velocity
template. It worked fine but when I merged it with my web original
application, it started throwing the same
ConcurrentModificationException exception.
I have no clue what is causing this problem.

- Pradnya

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Pradnya,
> On 8/21/2009 9:23 AM, Pradnya Gawade wrote:
> > MailManagerImpl is a class I have written sendEmail code to.
> > When I deploy the war file of for web application to Tomcat 6 and try to
> > start the tomcat from command prompt, I get  ConcurrentModificationException
> > during the tomcat method call
> > org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.clearReferences(). I have
> > pasted the exception stack trace at the end.
> What is the exact version of Tomcat you are using?
> > After searching on web, I found that the system property
> > "org.apache.catalina.loader. WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES" for
> > tomcat is set to true by default and which is why  Tomcat attempts to null
> > out any static or final fields from loaded classes when a web application is
> > stopped
> Note that this occurs when the application is /stopping/, so if you're
> experiencing it on startup, it's probably because there is an error in
> your configuration somewhere causing Tomcat to fail to load your webapp
> in the first place.
> This problem definitely shouldn't be happening, but I think it's clear
> something is (separately) wrong with your application, too.
> I run Velocity 1.4 on Tomcat 5.5 with no problems whatsoever.
> - -chris
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