Hi Don,

A few questions:

1) Does server.xml reference the appropriate IP and keystore for "webui"?

2) What's the output of: [ openssl s_client -connect webui.ashland.edu:443 ] from the box, more specifically just the top area that mentions the certificate chain. It should look something like this...

Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=Ohio/L=Ashland/O=Ashland University/OU=Administrative IT/CN=webui.ashland.edu i:/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/O=IPS Certification Authority s.l./o=gene...@ipsca.com C.I.F. B-B62210695/OU=ipsCA CLASEA1 Certification Authority/CN=ipsCA CLASEA1 Certification Authority/emailaddress=gene...@ipsca.com 1 s:/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/O=IPS Certification Authority s.l./o=gene...@ipsca.com C.I.F. B-B62210695/OU=ipsCA CLASEA1 Certification Authority/CN=ipsCA CLASEA1 Certification Authority/emailaddress=gene...@ipsca.com i:/C=ES/ST=BARCELONA/L=BARCELONA/O=IPS Seguridad CA/OU=Certificaciones/CN=IPS SERVIDORES/emailaddress=...@mail.ips.es 2 s:/C=ES/ST=BARCELONA/L=BARCELONA/O=IPS Seguridad CA/OU=Certificaciones/CN=IPS SERVIDORES/emailaddress=...@mail.ips.es i:/C=ES/ST=BARCELONA/L=BARCELONA/O=IPS Seguridad CA/OU=Certificaciones/CN=IPS SERVIDORES/emailaddress=...@mail.ips.es

3) Have you stopped and started the instance in question each time you made a change to the certificates(keystore) or the server.xml file?

I don't see any issues with the way you generated the keystore, CSR or how you imported the certificates as that's how I would do it. It's pretty much the way Comodo, Verisign, Thawte, and DigiCert suggest you do so.

Without knowing what the server is presenting, it is hard for me to tell you exactly what's wrong. As per RFC2246(TLS protocol), in a chained certificate environment the server must present the full chain (just Intermediates, Root is optional.) so that all RFC compliant clients (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc), can connect easily. (Internet Explorer actually tries to go behind the scenes and grab the intermediates from WindowsUpdate) Using OpenSSL's s_client command, should open things up a bit more and provide us with good information to use.


On 08/24/2009 10:47 AM, Don Prezioso wrote:
These are standalone Tomcat instances (Tomcat is the web server, no Apache) 
running on Red Hat.

Each instance has it's own IP address (verified via netstat) and each address 
has a separate DNS entry (webadvisor.ashland.edu and webui.ashland.edu), each 
which resolve correctly. Each certificate is generated using the DNS name for 
the service it is intended for.

As far as I can tell, the certificate store is valid. When I use the keytool 
command to list the original keystore (the one with both certificates loaded in 
the same keystore), I get the attached listing. When I look at the new one 
(separate keystores, each with only one certificate) it looks the same except 
that it is missing the tomcat (the first instance) certificate and only has the 
webui certificate.

The commands I used to create the keystore were:

keytool -genkey -alias webui -keyalg RSA -keystore webui.keystore
keytool -certreq -alias webui -keystore webui.keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias IPSROOT -file IPSServidores.crt -keystore 
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias IPSCAA1 -file IPSCACLASEA1.crt -keystore 
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias webui -file webui.crt -keystore 

The IPSServidores.crt is the IPS root certificate, IPSCACLASEA1.crt is the 
intermediate certificate, and webui.crt is the certificate reply from IPS.

These are the same steps I followed for the webadvisor instance and it is 
working properly.

The only things that I can think are different between these two tomcat 
instances are:
a) The webadvisor instance is visible through our firewall from off campus, and 
the webui instance is not (I am connecting from on campus)
b) The webadvisor instance is using the network device eth0, and webui is using 


Don Prezioso
Director of Administrative I.T.
Ashland University
Ashland, Ohio

-----Original Message-----
From: Crypto Sal [mailto:crypto....@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:00 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SSL with multiple Tomcat instances

Hi Don,

Is this Tomcat for Windows or Tomcat for a UNIX variant?

Have you verified the keystore as correct via * keytool -v -list
-keystore KEYSTORE_PATH/FILE* ? (Redirect that text to a file if need be!)

Did you use the *-trustcacerts* flag upon importing the certificates or
was this omitted?


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