Dear Rakotomandimby,

I just wanted to confirm the mailing list where tomcat developers discuss 
Tomcat architecture, new features, roadmap of new releases etc. so that i make 
sure that i have requested the right archives for our research evaluation.

Regarding the mailing archives format: Tomcat mailing lists are hosted in 
different format so why not go for an available format and parser instead of 
finding a new parser or writing a new one.

Aftab Iqbal

-----Original Message-----
From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina []
Sent: Thu 9/3/2009 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: maling list archives and bug tracker dumps for academic research 

> I have question regarding the Tomcat-dev mailing list. I was
> looking at the archives of tomcat-dev mailing list and found that
> whenever a new bug is logged on bugzilla bug tracker or a commit
> has been done on SVN, an email is sent to the tomcat-dev mailing
> list ( please correct me here if i am wrong ). I would like to
> know, if the tomcat developers discuss the development issues also
> on this mailing list or if tomcat has any other mailing list or
> discussion forum for developers for that?

According to me
- discussion a commit: not very common. usually done with another commit.
- discussion a bug is generally done on the bugtracker.

> Regarding the archives of mailing list, it would be very easier to
> parse the archives, if i get the monthly archives in .mbox format.
> The reason is, i have a parser which parses email of type .mbox
> extension. The archives hosted at Apache looks like they have
> monthly archives stored in .mbox format e.g.
> []

First of all, extension does not indicate reliably the format of a file.
Parsing mbox file is easyly done in common programming language.

>  NOTE: I am not familiar much with the differences of other
> archives extension

Whatever format you face, you will always find a parser.

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