
Thanks to you, my testcase is now running without any exception.

André Warnier a écrit :
Sylvie Perrin wrote:
I just remind that I have these lines in my tomcat auto-start script :
export LC_ALL

Thuis, you should probably change, to be the same as your own locale fr_FR.UTF-8 above.

The cause was the LC_ALL variable in my script starting tomcat.
I set it to fr_FR.UTF-8 as you suggest and now, my test is OK !
Allright. Let me see if I understand correctly your basic issue (not the test program, but the real application you need to create).

- miscellaneous "agents" create files, on some media, which is later connected to a Windows system and becomes a "shared directory". You do not control these agents, nor the file names that they choose to put there.

- your application, running (later) under Tomcat, is supposed to read these files and do something with them.

I suppose that you do not know in advance, what the names of these files will be, and you just have to take what is there. Is that correct ?
You perfectly undestood requirements of my real application.
I know that I will expect others wonderful problems :-)

Thank you again for your great help.


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