On 10.10.2009 12:32, Sam Crawford wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a simple web application deployed, and am accessing it via a
> basic mod_jk load balancer setup. The web application on the J2EE app
> server is returning a fixed "Content-Length: 84" header (it's just a
> HelloWorld page for testing purposes), but when I access the same
> application via the mod_jk web server I'm getting *both* a
> "Content-Length: 84" header and a "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked" header
> (see bottom of mail). I'm pretty certain that these headers are
> mutually exclusive, no?
> I'm struggling to understand where this Transfer-Encoding header is
> being created, and why! It's certainly not the backend web
> application. Its presence is causing problems for upstream proxy
> servers, which assume the body will be chunked, but it's not - so we
> get back mangled HTML.
> I'm running the following setup:
> * Backend J2EE app server: JBoss 4.2.3 with a simple HelloWorld app
> deployed under /test
> * Sun ONE 7.0u6 (stock configuration) with mod_jk 1.2.28
> The mod_jk workers.properties is shown below:
> worker.list=jkstatus,PORTALMY
> worker.jkstatus.type=status
> worker.basic.type=ajp13
> worker.basic.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.basic.socket_keepalive=1
> worker.basic.lbfactor=1
> worker.PORTALMY.balance_workers=PORTALMY0,PORTALMY1
> worker.PORTALMY.type=lb
> worker.PORTALMY.reference=worker.basic
> worker.PORTALMY0.host=appserver1.company.com
> worker.PORTALMY1.host=appserver2.company.com
> worker.PORTALMY0.port=8009
> worker.PORTALMY1.port=8009
> Now, I should add that I can't be certain whether it's SunONE or
> mod_jk that's inserting this header. I would have thought that if the
> Content-Length header was available, then there should be no need to
> insert the "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked" header - as the length of the
> body is already known before it's even begun.

mod_jk doesn't add any headers. It could be, that mod_jk unintentionally
triggers adding the header by the SunONE web server. If you can easily
reproduce in a test scenario, I would first run a test request using a
log level of trace for mod_jk. With this high log level, you will find
messages in the mod_jk log, which contain each header it received from
the backend via the AJP13 protocol, so you can make sure, that the
Transfer-Encoding is definitely not coming from JBoss.

Unfortunately the SunONE variant of mod_jk is the least often used one
and therefore it's the one where bugs are most likely. But I don't
remember someone reporting the same problem, that you see.



> # curl -v http://webserver1.company.com:28080/test/
> * About to connect() to webserver1.company.com port 28080
> *   Trying * connected
> * Connected to webserver1.company.com ( port 28080
>> GET /test/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.12.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.12.1
> OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/ libidn/0.5.6
> Pragma: no-cache
> Accept: */*
> Host: webserver1.company.com:28080
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Server: Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/7.0
> < Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 10:26:57 GMT
> < X-Powered-By: Servlet 2.4; JBoss-4.2.3.GA (build:
> SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_3_GA date=200807181417)/JBossWeb-2.0
> < Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B1E6FD1C007FFDE2939796018AB4CB27; Path=/
> < Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
> < Content-Length: 84
> < Transfer-encoding: chunked
> <html>
> <head><title>Hello World</title></head>
> <body>
> </body>
> </html>

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