André Warnier wrote:
> Sam Crawford wrote:
>> Apologies for misinterpreting your post.
>> Unfortunately we can't ditch SunONE - it's a requirement from our
>> security guys. We're operating in a two-tier DMZ environment and
>> SunONE will be in the top tier, with an SSO agent running inside it.
>> JBoss will be in the 2nd tier.
> Just by curiosity (and I do not know SunONE) : you mention SSO. I know
> that with Apache and mod_jk, the authenticated Apache user can be passed
> on to Tomcat, and use by Tomcat.  But I don't so far know any other
> connector able to do this.  How does it work with SunONE ?

All the variants of mod_jk (httpd, IIS, Netscape) support this, as does
mod_proxy_ajp. It is a feature supported by the AJP protocol. AFAIR The Netscape
variant works with SunOne.


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