Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

Interesting. Where should such new appBase directories be?

That's entirely up to you (and your sysadmin).

So they don't have to be in and around the tomcat directories. OK, many thanks. I must have missed this in the docs: the plural status of the directory name "webapps" makes it sound as if you can have all your apps in there -- it's not apparent that that only applies when they are served from the same hostname.

3rd-party repackaged versions of Tomcat scatter files all over the
place, so there's no standard (unlike a true Tomcat download from

The only thing the RH version seems to do is put the configs in /etc amd change the install location to /var/lib/tomcat5. An unfortunate constraint of having to work on a machine maintained by a central facility. At least the internal structure is untampered-with.


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