OS Version: Windows 2000
Tomcat version:5.5.17
Initial Memory Pool: 768
Maximum Memory Pool:1024
Java Version: Java\jdk1.5.0_14

When we restart the tomcat service our tomcat memory is about 120Mb. It keeps 
going up over the next few days util it reaches 700Mb and we have to reboot the 
server. We do not see any errors just yet but the server gets close to maxing 
I have questions around garbage collection for tomcat

1.We do not see the memory going down for the tomcat service. Shouldn't the 
memory go down as well as up over this timespan
2.Should the memory get to maximum 768Mb and then go back down or get recycled?
3.Is this a bug or what is normal behavior for the tomcat memory?

4.. How do we implement garbage collection for our windows server(-Xincgc)?

I am very new to Tomcat and trying to manage/decrease the memory footprint used 
by Tomcat?
Your help is most appreciated...


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