Chris, as long as we are having fun its all good. I think this
question is something many developers ask. I have seen it here and in
other forums.

You are correct, everything is wrapped. The connection wrapper spawns
statment wrappers which spawn result set wrappers, and everything is
tracked in parent child relationships.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Elli,
> Okay, I think we've hijacked Josh's thread enough to at least mark it as
> off topic. :)
> On 11/5/2009 10:37 PM, Elli Albek wrote:
>> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Pooled connections are almost certainly not behaving this way. This has
>>> been discussed at least twice in the last week or two, and, I believe,
>>> already once in this thread.
>> This is certainly not the case for my DBCP library (1.2.2). I just
>> stepped through the source code: Calling connection.close() is closing
>> result sets and statements.
> I'm not sure how calling Connection.close (where the Connection object
> is one from DBCP) would possibly be able to close ResultSet and
> Statement objects created by the underlying connection.
> Unless, I suppose, they decided to wrap /everything/ and register all
> the ResultSet and Statement objects handed-out by the underlying
> Connection for the purposes of (possibly) closing them later. I should
> really read the source :)
>> Below is the DBCP code that keeps track of open statements/result sets
>> and closes them when the connection is closed (BDCP 1.2.2).
> Yup: it looks like they do wrap/register everything and then close it
> for you. It's nice that they followed the spec, here :)
> - -chris

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