To my knowledge, there is no "path" attribute in the session. Are you
proposing that you add one?
>> deploy one app in tomcat by having context xml in
catalina>>domain>>xxx.xml . When you access this app check the session u
will find the path attribute with xxx in it.

So... do you mean that you want to deploy one web application (into a
single context), but you want to separate certain parts of the session
into different "areas" of the webapp?
>> yes

I don't believe that deploying the same webapp multiple times into
different contexts has any effect on session sharing: Tomcat will treat
them as different webapps and no session sharing will occur unless you
have taken other steps to share sessions between contexts.
>> Session sharing will not occur for different context. But i need to have
single context still session should not be shared. Is it possible in single

Consider i have one login app, after login i track the state by session.
First i login that website in single tab in browser and session was created
with details in it. And in another tab or window i need to login with
different username without sharing the session. But if i did this first
created session was overwrite by second session. Wat i need is two different
session for same webapp running under single tomcat???

IS it possible??

Arvind S

"Many of lifes failure are people who did not realize how close they were to
success when they gave up."
-Thomas Edison

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Arvind,
> On 11/2/2009 5:06 AM, S Arvind wrote:
> > Basically my requirement is ability to control the session
> > sharing in browser. Till now we maintained each application as different
> > context but pointing to same doc-base. So different web application will
> be
> > running on a same code to control the session sharing between different
> > application.
> I don't believe that deploying the same webapp multiple times into
> different contexts has any effect on session sharing: Tomcat will treat
> them as different webapps and no session sharing will occur unless you
> have taken other steps to share sessions between contexts.
> > But now we want to run in same context as one application but
> > control the session sharing.
> So... do you mean that you want to deploy one web application (into a
> single context), but you want to separate certain parts of the session
> into different "areas" of the webapp?
> > So i planned to customise session creation n
> > management of the tomcat to our requirements to add some value to
> > *path* attribute in session. Is this possible?
> To my knowledge, there is no "path" attribute in the session. Are you
> proposing that you add one?
> Modifying Tomcat's session management code is probably going to lead you
> down a path that leads to insanity: the APIs are not (officially)
> stable, there is no standard, etc.
> I suspect there is a better way to accomplish what you want to do... I
> just don't really understand what you want to do. Instead of speaking in
> generalities, why not give us a use case?
> - -chris
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