On Solaris 10, using JDK 1.5.0_18-b02, I am trying to upgrade Tomcat from
5.5.25 to 6.0.22.

I have a script in /etc/init.d that starts/stops Tomcat and MySQL.
I'm getting a ClassNotFoundException for
org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade when I try to start
When I call the script to stop everything (I need to stop MySQL after the
failure before trying again), I get a ClassNotFoundException for

As far as obvious things that I have tried:
The server.xml has the main library pointing to ${catalina.home}/lib.
The ${catalina.home}/lib directory does have the correct permissions for
getting to the .jar files there.
I tried removing my .war files (and the exploded directories for them), in
case there was a class file conflict there.

Does anyone have any ideas of where I can look to try to resolve this?  Any
help would be appreciated.
The system is not accessible to the internet, so I would need to copy
anything from configuration files by hand in order to post them here.

-- Chris

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