Pid wrote:
On 30/11/2009 09:39, Peter Chen wrote:
Hi everyone,

Please stop replying to Andre's message in the "Tomcat 5.17 crashes too often" thread and just deleting the subject line & contents of the message.

You may well be completely ignored after this.

on a list server such as the one managing this user help list, and also in email clients, there are identifiers in each message, apart from the subject line of the message. These identifiers help the server and the client to keep together the messages that belong to the same original subject.

When you just hit "reply" to an existing message, and retype the subject, these identifiers are still there, and your new message then is classified as an anwer to the other previous messages, even if you have changed the subject and the content.

That makes it difficult to follow, for people who display list messages in "threads", where all related messages come together in a group. Suddenly, there is a message there that seems related to the previous group, but has a different subject and talks of something else. That is what is called "hijacking an existing thread" (like when someone hijacks a plane and re-directs it somewhere else than where the passengers wanted to go).

So, to start a new subject, you have to create a totally new message, and send it to the list address. This way, the message gets its own thread, which everyone can then follow logically.
Later, you can hit reply to keep answering inside the same new thread.

Ok ?

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