Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Scott Dudley []
Subject: Tomcat 5 vs 6 Context useNaming Behavior

We have a legacy application that's been running on the 5.5.X versions
for several years.

Under what JVM?  And platform?
I've tested under both Windows (2000) and a couple of current Linux variants both running a current 1.6 VM - same behavior.  5.5.X works, 6.X doesn't.
The application instantiates the context, creates and binds 
it's own JDBC pool, etc. with no relevant edits to any of 
Tomcat's configuration files.

What does it do with exceptions during the context instantiation?
They're thrown and reported - er go the exception excerpt included in my post.
In 6.0.20, no matter the setting (true/false), we get
the same Exception as when useNaming is set to true in 5.5.X:

What JVM for 6.0.20?
As mentioned earlier, current 1.6 release.
Is there a known/related useNaming bug or have I missed some new
configuration nugget?

Can't say.  Can you post your server.xml and relevant <Context> element?

You'll see we use a custom ClassLoader, FileDirContext, and LifecycleListener but like XML JNDI configuration, don't want to make them part of this conversation as they're not relevant.

I'm simply trying to find out why useNaming works in 5.5.X and not 6 and hoped someone was already aware of the answer.  In the meantime, I'm already looking through the source and doing some testing on my own.

 - Chuck

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Scott Dudley
Senior Developer

Telesoft Corp. | 3443 N. Central Ave., 18th Floor | Phoenix, AZ, 85012

o: (602) 308-1115 | f: (602) 308-1300 | w:

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